Hi, I'm Robert!

I am a Full Stack Web Developer from Phoenix, Arizona. My passion for web development came from my love of solving the complex problems that require new and unique solutions. In previous professional experiences I would often look for new ways to innovate processes and create new tools. I love to work together on a team to bring new perspectives and deliver creative solutions from conception to deployment. When I'm not coding you will find me playing with my border collie Mika, mountain biking, and playing/watching sports. #SUNS-in-4!

Please take a look around to see what I have learned so far!


Full Stack web development skills gained while studying the MERN stack at the University of Arizona Full Stack Bootcamp
Here are some of the technologies and coding paradigms I have learned

Front End

React, Redux, Handlebars, JSX
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ES6, JQuery
Bootstrap, Bulma, Material Ui and other frameworks

API Creation and Implementation

Web APIs
Third-Party APIs
Server-Side APIs


NPM packages:
+ others

Server Creation and Utilization

MongoDB Atlas
Postman and Insomnia


MySQL - Sequelize
MongoDB - Mongoose
CRUD Operations
MySQL Workbench
Robo 3T

Coding Paradigms

Object Oriented Programing (OOP)
Model View Controller (MVC)
Test Driven Development (TDD)
Object-Document Mapping(ODM)
Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)

Progressive Web Applications (PWA)

Service Workers

Full Stack Applications

MERN Stack
SERN Stack
Handlebars, MySQL, Express, Node.js

Source Control

Git Projects
Github and GitLab
Git Bash


Please take a look at some of my recent work!

Mi Book

Mi Book

A fully functioning Google Books API search engine built with a RESTful API, and refactored to be a GraphQL API built with Apollo Server. The app was built using the MERN stack, with a React front end, MongoDB database, and Node.js/Express.js server and API.

View on GitHub
Pizza Hunt

Pizza Hunt

A website designed for a Pizza Company where users can view a list of pizza creations and create their own. Users can also participate in discussions on the creations by posting comments and replies.

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Food Festival

A PWA formatted website designed for a food festival where users can view a schedule of events, testimonials, Mission statements, and stats. Users can also purchase tickets to the food festivals.

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Code Quiz

Code Quiz

This web page was built using Javascript functionality to deliver a single page quiz game that will dynamically update the page for each question and will display a final score at the end of the questions.

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Ron Swanson Dream Analyzer

A class collaboration project webpage using web API functionality to have your dreams translated for you by Ron Swanson!

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Task Master

HTML/CSS/Javascript webpage to track daily tasks with the ability to organize tasks based on progress and completion. Completed with lesson plan provided by the University of Arizona Bootcamp.

View on GitHub


Thank you for visiting my website!
Please feel free to contact me anytime!